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Monday, August 24, 2020
4ps of Ryanair Budget Airline
Ryanair was the primary spending aircraft in Europe, demonstrated after the fruitful U. S. ease bearer, Southwest Airlines. Ryanair is one of the most seasoned and best minimal effort aircrafts in Europe, the third biggest carrier in Europe regarding number of traveler and the biggest on the planet as far as worldwide passengers’ numbers. For this article, I had given the 4 Ps, which is Product, Price, Place, and Promotion for Ryanair. Item Ryanair was a brand for the spending plan airline.It likewise can characterize as an item since when individuals need to purchase the carrier ticket in less expensive value, they will naturally consider Ryanair. Transportation is the primary item for Ryanair. It offers types of assistance of movement starting with one area then onto the next area with agreeable condition and most brief length too. Additionally, travelers feel advantageous to make booking through the web or call whenever. Plus, food and refreshment is another result of Ryana ir.Ryanair offer the food and drink to travelers all through the flight who buy on board modified. Simultaneously, Ryanair likewise offer the types of assistance which are serve food and beverages to travelers or satisfy the passengers’ necessity if accessible. Ryanair not just offer the transportation and food and administration to travelers, it additionally offer the experience to travelers which is offered the less expensive pass to traveler to appreciate or getting experience to flight.PRICE Ryanair offer the most reduced expense of charges than different rivals in avionics industry in light of the fact that Ryanair remain at the position that the cost is the key component of its image and the cost is a higher priority than the item itself to the travelers, so inside the low cost as the drawn out technique, Ryanair utilize distinctive estimating, which implies that off-top voyaging and booking ahead of time can make a ticket less expensive contrast and typical day.In a si milar time, Ryanair are segregate hugely, safe in the information that no one can purchase up heaps of modest tickets and lash them to individuals who might some way or another just fit the bill for the wallet-depleting newbies specials. Then again, Ryanair will keep on bringing down the admissions and increment the level of seat for which it just charge for assessments and landing expenses. For the ticket, travelers are required to print out their own ticket since the checking in administrations at the air terminal has been discontinued.Therefore, for travelers who show up at air terminal without a pre-printed online should pay â‚ ¬40 for their ticket to be re-given. The Ryanair has additionally supplanted the free online registration with a â‚ ¬5 online registration expense which is charged per individual, per flight. Spot Ryanair underscore that booking seat is just conceivable in site or â€Å"Ryanair direct†call-focus, no different prospects are formally offered.T he Ryanair has begun the site in the time of 2000, the quantity of traveler who made web based booking had been expanded colossally on account of the lower flight costs are offering direct to the traveler and the cost forced by trip specialists are barring. Moreover, the air terminal additionally situated at key spot where passengers’ can take the vehicle from town region to air terminal straightforwardly which included mentor, limousine and so forth. Advancement The publicizing that is made by Ryanair about charging travelers ? to utilize the latrine on their flights is really to pick up the media and open consideration. Ryanair regularly utilize their promoting to make direct examination and assault their rival by looking at cost. In one case, the Sabena sued the Ryanair in light of the fact that one of the commercial that publicize by Ryanair are deceiving and hostile, so that, the Ryanair was ended the ad and furthermore distribute the conciliatory sentiment on their site . In a similar time, Ryanair utilized the apologized for futher publicizing to pick up individuals attention.Because of this case, through the site, an ever increasing number of individuals know Ryanair and Ryanair had come out increasingly more advancement to draw in individuals, for example, ? 8 seats for movement during September and October, including some expenses and charges. It is worth for travelers in light of the fact that the cost is exceptionally less expensive. Other than that, through the irregularity, Ryanair running an advancement which is present 30% off admissions UK advancement runs from 22 †25 January 2010 for flights leaving from 5 February †25 March 2010 to certain country.This message had been refreshed or post in the Ryanair site and it likewise become a title text of the paper. The travelers who need to cause a book to need to book in any event 14 days ahead of time by means of Ryanair site or by call. Simultaneously, so as to pay the most minimal cited toll, the travelers need to pay by ace card or prepaid charge card to maintain a strategic distance from the ? 5 for each individual for each flight administrator charge, and the travelers can take one bit of hand gear which brings down than 7 Kg.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Homework Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11
Schoolwork - Coursework Example The cloud vanishes when the air temperature is raised by pressure. The adjustment in temperature brings about dissipation of the cloud beads. 9. It tends to be induced from this examination that in the open air where it is overcast, air is commonly rising and cooling. Burgan (123) declares that where the environment is clear, the air is commonly moving the other way. 10. For the most part, high weight zones in the environment will in general be clear since air in them encounters descending movement. Low weight zones will in general have mists since air in them encounters movement the opposite way. 13. In the eastern U.S., the front that had gradually been moving eastbound was situated close to Buffalo, New York. The temperature and dewpoint at Buffalo at map time were 62 F and 61 F, individually. Since the temperature and dewpoint at the surface were not equivalent, it demonstrated the air in Buffalo was not immersed. 19. On the Steve outline, the striking unpredictable bend to the privilege is the temperature profile while the intense bend to one side is the dewpoint profile. Where the bends are superimposed, the temperatures and dewpoints are equivalent. The detachment of the temperature and dewpoint values at and close to the surface demonstrates that the surface air was not soaked. (From the radiosonde content information, not appeared, there is a 1.7 C contrast between the temperature and dewpoint at the surface.) 23. The temperatures were equivalent to the dewpoints from 975 mb up to around 600 mb. These equivalent temperature-dewpoint conditions do recommend there was a broad, thick layer of mists over Buffalo (Bunch,
Friday, July 17, 2020
An Introduction to the Chicago Manual of Style
An Introduction to the Chicago Manual of Style If you dont work in a field like professional academia, publishing, or research, style guides can read a little obsessive. Groups like the Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA) and University of Chicago publish thousands of rules on formatting, grammar, usage, and source acknowledgement for academic writing and publishing, and they get nitty-gritty. In a Chicago-style citation note, for instance, If a symbol rather than a number is used … the symbol appears as a superscript in the text but not in the note, where it is not followed by a period but may be followed by a space, as long as this is done consistently (The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed., 14.24).But in certain fields, minutiae help. reports that in academic writing, how you present your information … is often seen as [being as] important as the ideas you are putting forth. The genre has rigid attribution requirements and relies heavily on precision, clarity and consistency. A uniform style minimizes technical distractions, keeping the focus on the content.Broadly speaking, its not that uniform, because different academic genres use different style manuals. Generally, in the United States, APA reigns in the social sciences, MLA in undergraduate English and the arts, and CMS in literature and history.The Chicago Manual of Style began in 1891 as a one-page style sheet for typesetters at the University of Chicago Press. It has since grown to 1,000 pages. Here, some of the more commonly encountered and misunderstood rules in the book. (Note that our source for this review is the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed.)CommasSerial commasEffective use of the comma involves good judgment, with the goal being ease of reading, according to the Chicago Manual of Style. To that end, Chicago style says Heck, yes! to the oft-debated serial (a.k.a. Oxford) comma, arguing it prevents confusion.DO use serial commas. The serial comma precedes the last item i n a list of three or more. The exception to the serial-comma rule is when the final and is replaced by an ampersand ().Her dad spreads butter, jelly, bananas, and honey on the bread.The day she overslept, spilled her coffee, and lost her keys, she was late for work.If I dont see any oranges, tangerines, or lemons, Ill go to the other store.Bed, Bath BeyondDO put a comma after a year or state. If you can remove it from the sentence without changing the meaning, it gets a second comma. Correct: On May 31, 2011, she graduated from a Santa Fe, New Mexico, college.DO put a comma after etc. or et al. (Dont italicize them, either.) Correct: Ill bring the forks, napkins, plates, etc., if you bring the food.DO NOT put a comma between two predicates. Correct: She ran to the store and picked up a carton of milk.ApostrophesApostrophes get confusing in their possessive roles when paired with a noun ending in s. In CMS style:The possessive form of singular noun gets an s, even if it ends in s. C orrect: The passs elevationThe possessive form of a plural noun ending in s gets only an apostrophe. Correct: After the dogs naps, they played in the yard.Plural numbers and letters: Years and capital letters take only an s, while lowercase letters take an s Correct: By the early 1970s, bellbottoms were popular. Correct: She learned the ABCs at school. Correct: They were told to mind their ps and qs.QuotesIf youre putting the period to the right of the closing quotation marks, youre doing it wrong.Punctuating quotesCommas and periods go before the closing quotation marks. Correct: It was he, she said, pointing at the defendant. Correct: The opening line reads, Call me Ishmael.Colons and semicolons go after the closing quotation marks. Correct: He was upset when she said, I think we should stay home; he thought they should go out as planned.Question and exclamation marks go outside closing quotation marks unless theyre in the quote. Correct: Didnt you hear her say Lets go? Correct: S he yelled, Oh no!Idioms and expressionsDO NOT put quotes around familiar expressions. Correct: It was time to learn about the birds and the bees. Correct: The robbery was just the tip of the iceberg.TitlesTitles of peopleCivil, military and professional titles are treated differently depending on their position relative to the persons name. Among Chicago styles rules:DO capitalize a title when it immediately precedes a personal name. Correct: I watched as Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts took the floor.…UNLESS its acting as a descriptive phrase: Correct: I watched as Massachusetts senator Ted Kennedy took the floor.DO NOT capitalize a title when it follows a name. Correct: I watched as Ted Kennedy, senator from Massachusetts, took the floor.Titles of worksTitles of published works vary by type and length.Use italics for books and periodicals. Correct: She read The New York Times.Use quotation marks for book chapters, articles, other short works. Correct: In American Home Cooki ng: A Popular History, Miller explores why Americans still cook.Capitalize titles in headline style. Headline styles instructions, which the Chicago Manual acknowledges are occasionally arbitrary, include:DO NOT capitalize articles (a, an, the)DO NOT capitalize common coordinating conjunctions (and, but, for, nor, or)DO capitalize the first and last word, regardless of part of speech. Correct: Long Walk to Freedom, by Nelson Mandela Correct: In Newsweeks How to Sleep: Ability to Dream May Be in the Genes, Aristos Georgiou argues for a genetic link.NumbersTreatment of numbers in text varies between style guides. CMS prefers:Spell out numbers one through one hundred. Correct: She ordered one hundred balloons and 101 party hats.Spell out numbers ending with hundred, thousand, etc. Correct: There were seven thousand seats for 6,999 students.DO NOT superscript ordinal numbers. Correct: Anne celebrated her 500th day at work. Incorrect: Anne celebrated her 500th day at work.FormattingInstr uctors and publications often have their own sets of formatting guidelines, so be sure to check those. If theyre following CMS:DO NOT put a period at the end of a caption consisting of one incomplete sentence. … Unless most other captions in the manuscript are complete sentences, in which case you can punctuate the incomplete sentence for consistency.DO put a period at the end of an incomplete sentence if its followed by at least one complete sentence (which also gets a period).DO NOT use a double space after periods.DO NOT justify text. All text should be aligned flush left (ragged right).Citation system: Notes and bibliographyThe citation section is perhaps the most important part of a style guide. In academic research, authors are expected to follow citation rules to a tee. CMS has two different systems: name-date and notes-bibliography. Its best to check whether your instructor or publication has a preference.In the notes and bibliography system, you cite sources in footnotes or endnotes, which are denoted by superscripted numbers in the text, and also list them in a separate bibliography section. Entries in the bibliography are alphabetized, regardless of the order in which they first appear in the text. The following examples show proper formatting for typical book, journal and website entries. (Note: punctuation and spacing count.)BookNote1. Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom (New York: Back Bay Books, 1995), 21.Subsequent note for same book13. Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom, 98-100.Bibliography (alphabetical)Mandela, Nelson. Long Walk to Freedom. New York: Back Bay Books, 1995.Journal articleNote (specific page number)3. Tim Miller, American Home Cooking: A Popular History, Journal of American History 105, no. 1, (June 2018): 143.Subsequent note for same article4. Miller, American Home Cooking: A Popular History, 144.Bibliography (articles complete page range)Miller, Tim. American Home Cooking: A Popular History, Journal of American History 105, no. 1, (June 2018): 143â€"4.Online journal articleInclude a URL or database name for online journal articles in all entries except subsequent entries for the same source.Note3. Tim Miller, American Home Cooking: A Popular History, Journal of American History 105, no. 1 (June 2018): 143, note for same articleMiller, American Home Cooking: A Popular History, 144.BibliographyMiller, Tim. American Home Cooking: A Popular History, Journal of American History 105, no. 1 (June 2018): 143-4, contentIn addition to the standard information, include the date of publication or revision; if neither of those is listed, include the date you accessed it online.Note8. Citation Quick Guide, Chicago Manual of Style Online, accessed March 26, 2018, note for same content9. Citation Quick Guide.BibliographyChicago Manual of Style Online. Cita tion Quick Guide. Accessed March 26, 2018. System: Author-DateThe author-date system has only two components. There are no superscripted numbers in the text, footnotes or endnotes. Rather, full citations are collected in an alphabetized reference list, and in-text citations include the sources author, date and page range in parentheses.BookReference listMandela, Nelson. 1995. Long Walk to Freedom. New York: Back Bay Books.In-text citationMandela 1995, 98-100.Journal articleAs in the notes-bibliography system, in-text citations contain specific page numbers, while references show the whole page range for the article.Reference listMiller, Tim. 2018. American Home Cooking: A Popular History. Journal of American History 105, no. 1 (June): 143-4.In-text citation(Miller 2018, 143.)Online journal articleIf you accessed the article online, tack on a URL or database name. Reference list Miller, Tim. 2018. American Home Co oking: A Popular History.Journal of American History 105, no. 1 (June): 143-4. In-text citation (Miller 2018, 143.)Website contentAs in the notes-and-bibliography system, the addition here is the date of publication, revision, or access.Reference listChicago Manual of Style Online. n.d. Citation Quick Guide. Accessed March 26, 2018. citationCitation rules, as with most other rules in style guides, get far more in-depth than this and may come with multiple exceptions; when in doubt, check the unabridged manual. Its tough to follow every rule in the Chicago Manual, but no ones rejecting manuscripts on the grounds of inconsistent caption punctuation. If you have limited time, focus on citing your sources by the book.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
How to Write a Patent Claim
Claims are the parts of a patent which define the boundaries of patent protection. Patent claims are the legal basis for your patent protection. They form a protective boundary line around your patent that lets others know when they are infringing on your rights. The limits of this line are defined by the words and phrasing of your claims. As the claims are key to receiving complete protection for your invention, you may wish to seek professional help to ensure that they are properly drafted. When writing this section you should consider the scope, characteristics, and structure of the claims. Scope Each claim should have only one meaning which can be either broad or narrow, but not both at the same time. In general, a narrow claim specifies more details than a broader claim. Having many claims, where each one is a different scope allows you to have legal title to several aspects of your invention. Here is an example of a broad claim (claim 1) found in a patent for a collapsible tent frame. Claim 8 of the same patent is narrower in scope and focuses on a specific aspect of one element of the invention. Try reading through the claims for this patent and notice how the section begins with broad claims and develops towards claims that are narrower in scope.​ Important Characteristics Three criteria to take note of when drafting your claims are that they should clear, complete, and supported. Every claim must be one sentence, as long or as short a sentence as required to be complete. Be Clear Your claim must be clear so that you do not cause the reader to speculate about the claim. If you find yourself using words such as thin, strong, a major part, such as, when required, then you are probably not being clear enough. These words force the reader to make a subjective judgment, not an objective observation. Be Complete Each claim should be complete so that it covers the inventive feature and enough elements around it to put the invention in the proper context. Be Supported The claims have to be supported by the description. This means that all the characteristics of your invention that form part of the claims must be fully explained in the description. In addition, any terms you use in the claims must be either found in the description or clearly inferred from the description. Structure A claim is a single sentence composed of three parts: the introductory phrase, the body of the claim, and the link that joins the two. The introductory phrase identifies the category of the invention and sometimes the purpose, for example, a machine for waxing paper, or a composition for fertilizing soil. The body of the claim is the specific legal description of the exact invention which is being protected. The linking consists of words and phrases such as: which comprisesincludingconsisting ofconsisting essentially of Note that the linking word or phrase describes how the body of the claim relates to the introductory phrase. The linking words are also important in assessing the scope of the claim as they can be restrictive or permissive in nature. In the following example, A data input device is the introductory phrase, comprising is the linking word, and the rest of the claim is the body. Example of a Patent Claim A data input device comprising: an input surface adapted to be locally exposed to a pressure or pressure force, a sensor means disposed below the input surface for detecting the position of the pressure or pressure force on the input surface and for outputting an output signal representing said position and, an evaluating means for evaluating the output signal of the sensor means. Keep in Mind Just because one of your claims is objected to does not mean that the rest of your claims are invalid. Each claim is evaluated on its own merit. This is why it is important to make claims on all aspects of your invention to ensure that you receive the most protection possible. Here are some tips on writing your claims. Decide which are the essential elements of your invention that you want to claim exclusive rights to. These elements should be the ones that distinguish your invention from known technology.Begin with your broadest claims and then progress to narrower claims.Start claims on a new page (separate from the description) and number each claim using Arabic numbers starting with 1.Precede your claims with a short statement such as I claim:. In some patents, this reads as The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:Check to see that each claim consists of an introduction, linking word, and body. One way of ensuring that specific inventive features are included in several or all claims is to write an initial claim and refer to it in claims of narrower scope. This means that all the features in the first claim are also included in the subsequent claims. As more features are added the claims become narrower in scope.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Christmas Psychological And Sociological Perspectives
Christmas is the annual festival celebrating the birth of Jesus on the 25th December, at least that is what it began as initially. Since it has expanded into an international phenomenon for consumption, taking priority over our everyday practices of life (Michel De Certeau, 1980). Our time we spend divided between work and leisure in accordance to the codes and conventions of society shifts, Christmas derails these expectations. Yet surprisingly Christmas gains little attention in terms of social research, despite the fact that it can be explored diversely. The inquiry ‘What is Christmas?’ links to multiple aspects of social research. The aspects of Christmas can be subdivided into the following; religion, commercialism, gift-giving, social relationships, sensualism and mythology. This essay will analyse these fundamentals of Christmas through both psychological and sociological perspectives, as the theories among these two social sciences are best suited to the elements which make up Christmas itself. As aforementioned, the initial true meaning of Christmas is religion - one that has now been muchly downplayed. Of course at first glance religion is only an important element of Christmas for those who are actually religious, for which then religion plays the dominant role of what Christmas is to them. However, religion means to show obligation to something through faith, it could be argued that the majority of society is actually religious. We follow a society which hasShow MoreRelatedEssay On Domestic Violence871 Words  | 4 Pagesrelationship. The perpetrator uses violence to control and dominate the other person. This causes fear, physical harm and/or psychological harm. Domestic violence is a violation of human rights, (the White Ribbon Australia). 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Night World Dark Angel Chapter 16 Free Essays
Gillian stood as if her snow-powdered body had been turned to ice. Because it was the worst, the absolute worst that she could possibly have imagined. He killed a kid. We will write a custom essay sample on Night World : Dark Angel Chapter 16 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"The little girl who disappeared a year ago,†she whispered. â€Å"On Hilkrest Road.†The one she’d thought of-completely irrationally-when she’d heard the crying. â€Å"I was doing a spell,†Gary said. â€Å"A strong one; I was a quick learner. It was a fire elemental spell-so I was out in the woods. In the snow, where nothing would burn. And then she showed up chasing her dog.†He was staring into the distance, his face dead white. Looking not haunting, but haunted. And Gillian knew he wasn’t with her at that moment; he was far away, with Paula. â€Å"They broke the circle. It all happened so fast. The fire was everywhere-just one white flash, like lightning. And then it was gone.†He paused. â€Å"The dog got away. But not her.†Gillian shut her eyes, trying not to imagine it. â€Å"Oh, God.†And then, as something twisted inside her, â€Å"Oh, Gary †¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I put her body in my car. I was going to take her to the hospital. But she was dead. And I wasconfused. So finally I stopped the car. And I buried her in the snow.†â€Å"Gary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I went home. Then I went to a party. That was the kind of guy I was, you see. A partyin’ guy. Everything was about good times and me, me, me. That was even what being a witch was about.†For the first time there was emotion in his voice, and Gillian recognized it. Self-hatred. â€Å"And at the party, I got really, really drunk.†Oh. Suddenly Gillian understood. â€Å"You never told anybody.†â€Å"On the way back home I wrapped my car around a tree. And that was it.†He laughed, but it wasn’t a laugh. â€Å"Suddenly I’m in Neverland. Can’t talk to anybody, can’t touch anybody, but sure can see everything. I watched the search for her, you know. They passed about a foot away from her body.†Gillian gulped and looked away. Something had twisted and broken inside her, some idea of justice that would never be put back together. But this was no time to think about that. It hadn’t really been his fault†¦ but what did that matter? You played the hand you got dealt. And Gary had played his badly. He’d started out with everything-good looks, obvious brains, and witch power enough to choke a horse-and he’d blown it. Didn’t matter. They had to go on from here. She looked up at him. â€Å"Gary, you have to tell me where she is.†Silence. â€Å"Gary, don’t you see? That’s your unfinished business. Her family doesn’t know†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Gillian stopped and swallowed. When she went on, her voice wobbled. â€Å"Whether she’s alive or dead. Don’t you think they ought to know that?†A long pause. Then he said, like a stubborn child, â€Å"I don’t want to go anywhere.†Like a frightened child, Gillian thought. But she didn’t look away from him. â€Å"Gary, they deserve to know,†she said softly. â€Å"Once they’re at peace-â€Å" He almost shouted, â€Å"What if there isn’t any peace for me?†Not frightened, terrified. â€Å"What if there isn’t anywhere for me to go? What if they won’t take me?†Gillian shook her head. Her tears overflowed again. And she didn’t have any answers for him. â€Å"I don’t know. But it doesn’t change what we’ve got to do. I’ll stay with you, though, if you want. I’m your cousin, Gary.†Then, very quietly, she said, â€Å"Take me to her.†He stood for a long moment-the longest of Gillian’s life. He was looking at something in the night sky that she couldn’t see, and his eyes were utterly bleak. Then he looked at her and slowly nodded. â€Å"Here?†David bent and touched the snow. He looked up at Gillian. His dark eyes were young- a little scared. But his jaw was set. â€Å"Yes. Right there.†â€Å"It’s a pretty strange place to do it.†â€Å"I know. But we don’t have any choice.†David got to work with the shovel. Gillian pushed and mounded snow into walls. She tried to think only of how she’d done this in childhood, about how easy and interesting it had been then. She kept at it until David said, â€Å"I found her.†Gillian stepped back, brushing off her sleeves and mittens. It was a clear day, and the afternoon sun was brilliant in a cold blue sky. The small clearing was peaceful, almost a haven. Untouched except for a welt in the snow where a ground mouse had tunneled. Gillian took a couple of deep breaths, fists clenched, and then she turned to look. David hadn’t uncovered much. A scrap of charred red wool muffler. He was kneeling beside the shallow trench he’d made. Gillian was crying again. She ignored it. She said, â€Å"It was the last day before Christmas vacation, so we took the day off from school. We were playing hooky in the woods. We decided to make a snow fort†¦.†â€Å"And then we found the body.†David got up and gently put a hand on her elbow. â€Å"It’s a weird story, but it’s better than the truth.†â€Å"And what can they suspect us of? We never even knew Paula Belizer. They’ll know she was murdered because she was buried. But they won’t know how she died. They’ll think somebody tried to burn the body to get rid of it.†David put his arm around her waist, and she leaned into him. They stood that way for a few minutes, steadying each other. It was strange how natural that was, now. David had agreed to help her with all this without a moment’s hesitation†¦ and Gillian hadn’t been surprised. She’d expected it. He was her soulmate. They stood together. At last, he said quietly, â€Å"Ready?†â€Å"Yes.†As they left the clearing, David added even more quietly, â€Å"Is he here?†â€Å"No. I haven’t seen him since he showed me the place. He just-disappeared. He won’t talk to me either.†David held her tighter. Mr. Belizer came at dusk, after most of the police had left. It was almost too dark to see. David had been urging Gillian away for an hour. So had Gillian’s parents. They were there, both of them, huddling close and touching her whenever they could. David’s father and stepmother were on the other side of David. Yeah, Gillian thought. It’s been a rough last few days on everybody. But here they all were: David, pale but calm; Gillian, shaky but standing; the parents, bewildered but trying to cope. Not comprehending how their kids could have found so much trouble in such a short time. At least nobody seemed to suspect them of having hurt Paula Belizer. And now, here was Paula’s dad. Alone. Come to look at the last resting place of his daughter-even though the coroner had already taken his daughter away. The police let him go up to the clearing with a flashlight. Gillian tugged at David’s hand. He resisted a second, then let her tow him. Gillian heard murmurs as they went. What are you doing, following that poor man. My God, that’s- ghoulish. But none of the parents actually grabbed them to stop them. They ended up a little distance behind Mr. Belizer. Gillian moved to see his face. Now here was the thing. She didn’t know about spirits. She wasn’t sure what needed to be done to release Gary from the between-place. Did she need to talk to Paula’s dad? Explain that she had the feeling whoever had done it was sorry, even if they could never tell him themselves? It might get her locked up. Showing too much interest in a crime, too much knowledge. But, strangely, that didn’t scare her as much as she’d have thought. She was Gary’s cousin, and his debts were hers somehow. And things had to be put right. As she stood hesitating, Mr. Belizer fell to his knees in the trampled snow. Oh, God. That hurt. If strong arms hadn’t been holding Gillian up, she might have fallen, too. David held her and pressed his face into her hair. But Gillian kept looking at the kneeling man. He was crying. She’d never seen a man his age cry, and it hurt in a way that was scary. But there was something else in his face. Something like relief†¦ peace. Kneeling there, with his overcoat spread around him, Mr. Belizer said, â€Å"I know my daughter is in a better place. Whoever did this, I forgive them.†A shock like cold lightning went through Gillian, and then a spreading warmth. She was crying suddenly. Hard. Tears falling straight down from her eyes. But she was filled with a hope that seemed to lift her whole body. And then David drew in his breath sharply, and she realized he’d raised his head. He was staring at something above Mr. Belizer. Gary Fargeon was hovering there. like an Angel. He was crying. And saying something over and over. Gillian caught â€Å"-sorry, I’m so sorry†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Forgiveness asked for and given. If not exactly in that order. That’s it, Gillian thought. Her knees began to tremble. David whispered huskily, â€Å"Can you see that, too?†â€Å"Yes. Can you?†Nobody else seemed to see it. Mr. Belizer was getting up now. He was walking past them, away. David was still staring. â€Å"So that’s what he looks like. No wonder you thought-â€Å" He didn’t finish, but Gillian knew. Thought he was an angel. But†¦ why was Gary still here? Wasn’t the forgiveness enough to release him? Or was there something else that needed to be done? Gary turned his head and looked at her. His cheeks were wet. â€Å"Come in a little farther,†he said. â€Å"I have to say something.†Gillian untangled from David, and then pulled at him. He came, jaw still sagging. They followed Gary past a thicket and into another clearing. As the trees and the darkness closed around them, they seemed suddenly far away from the police noise and bustle. Gillian guessed even as Gary sank down to face them. But she let him say it. â€Å"You have to forgive me, too.†â€Å"I forgive you,†Gillian said. â€Å"You have to be sure. I did some terrible things to you. I tried to warp you, damage your soul.†â€Å"I know,†Gillian said steadily. â€Å"But you did some good things, too. You helped me-grow up.†He’d helped her conquer her fears. Gain self-confidence. Discover her heritage. And find her soulmate. And he’d been close to her in a way that she would probably never be with anyone else ever again. â€Å"You know what?†Gillian was on the verge of tears again. â€Å"I’m going to miss you.†He stood facing her. He was shining just dimly. His eyes were dark and bruised looking, but his lips were smiling. And he was more beautiful than she had ever seen him. â€Å"Things are going to work out, you know,†he said softly. â€Å"For you. Your mom’s going to get better.†Gillian nodded. â€Å"I think so, too.†â€Å"And I checked on Tanya and Kim. They’re going to be all right. Tanya’s still got all her fingers.†â€Å"I know.†â€Å"You should go see Melusine. You could help them a lot with Circle Daybreak. And they can help you deal with the Night World.†â€Å"Yes. All right.†â€Å"And you might want to talk to Daryl at school. She’s got a secret that Kim was spreading rumors about last year. It’s that-â€Å" â€Å"And-Gary!†Gillian held up her hand. â€Å"I don’t want to know. Someday, if Daryl wants to tell me her secret, she can do it herself. But if not-okay. I have to deal on my own, now.†She’d already thought about school, all last night while she’d been lying alone in her room. Things were going to change, obviously. It was surprisingly easy to sort out which friends mattered. Amanda the Cheerleader and Steffi the Singer and J.Z. the Model were all right. No better and no worse than any of the less popular girls. She wouldn’t mind if they still liked her. Daryl-who was not Daryl the Rich Girl anymore, but just Daryl-was better than all right. The sort that might turn out to be a real friend. And of course there was Amy. She owed Amy a lot. As for the others-Tanya and Kim and Cory and Bruce and Macon-Gillian didn’t really want to know them. If she never went to another Popular Party, that was fine. â€Å"And I don’t want to know if J.Z. really tried to kill herself, either,†she said now. Gary shut his mouth. Then his eyes actually seemed to twinkle. â€Å"You’re going to do all right.†And then, for the first time, he looked at David. They stared at each other for a moment. Not hostile. Just looking. When Gary turned back to Gillian he said very quietly, â€Å"One last thing. I didn’t change my mind about killing him because I couldn’t go through with it. I did it because I didn’t want you to hate me forever.†Oh. Gillian put out her hand. So did he. Their fingers were close together, blurring into each other†¦ but they couldn’t touch. They never would. And then suddenly, Gary looked startled. He turned to look up and behind him. At the dark, starlit sky. Gillian couldn’t see anything. But she could feel something. A sort of rushing. Something was coming. And Gary was lifted toward it like a leaf on the wind. His hand was still stretched toward her, but he was in the air. Weightless. Bobbing. And as Gillian watched, his startled expression melted into something like awe. And then joy. Joy and†¦ recognition. â€Å"I’ve got to go,†he said wonderingly. Gillian was staring at the sky. She still couldn’t see anything. Not the tunnel, not the meadow. Did he mean he had to go to the between-place? And then she saw the light. It was the color of sunlight on snow. That brilliant, but not painful to look at. It seemed to shimmer with every color in the universe, but all together the colors made white. â€Å"Gary-â€Å" But something was happening. He was moving without moving. Rushing away in some direction she couldn’t point to. Getting smaller. Fading. She was losing him. â€Å"Goodbye, Gary,†she whispered. And the light was going, too. But just before it went, it seemed to take on a shape. It looked something like huge white wings enfolding him. For the briefest instant, Gillian felt enfolded, too. By power and peace†¦ and love. And then the light was gone. Gary was gone. And everything was still. â€Å"Did you see that?†Gillian whispered through the ache in her throat. â€Å"I think so.†David was staring, his eyes big with awe and wonder. â€Å"Maybe†¦ some angels are real.†He was still staring upward. Then he drew in his breath. â€Å"Look! The stars-â€Å" But it wasn’t stars, although it looked like star-dust. Crystalline points of light, frozen beauty sifting down. The air was full of it. â€Å"But there aren’t any clouds†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"There are now,†David said. Even as he said it, the stars were covered. Gillian felt a cool touch on her cheek. Like a kiss. And it was ordinary snow, just an ordinary miracle. She and David stood hand in hand, watching it fall like a blessing in the night. [The End] How to cite Night World : Dark Angel Chapter 16, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Product development in resto bar free essay sample
Arellano University 2600 Legarda St. Sampaloc, Manila School of Hospitality and Tourism Management In partial fulfilment of Requirements In Methods of Research Submitted to: Mrs. Racquel Salvador Submitted by: Renato C. Ty Jr. Jashua Rocky Santos Froilan G. LLovit Rudolf T. Retuya Paul Mikki V. Manuel Chapter 1 Problem and its Background Introduction Talking about food habits and taste every household in this era has changed a lot. Regarding this, many trading activities are growing up such as hotels, restaurants, and business organizations. Such organizations have their own reputation to build up and their own brand towards the market and the customers. All these trading activities depend on the service on the service quality and the customer satisfaction which are the main themes of this research to elaborate. Both service quality and customer satisfaction are important from the point of view of marketing in terms of sellers and buyers. Cyberspace has forced the world to see things in different ways. We will write a custom essay sample on Product development in resto bar or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It has shrunk the world and we are now witnessing true globalization. It means that people have access to information, products and services worldwide, at the click of a button. We are in the â€Å" third wave†according to Alvin Toffler, the futurist. He believes that society moved from a traditional agrarian society to an industrial one, after the industrial revolution in the late 18th century. The customer is the centerpiece of the service age. The golden platform from which it operates are: First English is the primary language. Then most transactions in future will be by Visa/Master cards. Lastly the US Dollar will be the common currency, though seriously challenged in future by economic blocs like European Common Market with the Euro. Traditional Organization Structure The change in the new millennium have broken down bureaucratic structures and redefined them. The frontline service personnel, like servers, counter sales persons or host are now the kings and queens. It comes from the belief that it is they who crate guest experiences. The frontline has been empowered with decision making authority. The corporate, management and specialists will now support the front-line staff to create effective guest experiences. Policies and procedures have been redrawn to meet the new structures and challenges. Background Mixology trends to become the new standard the key to a food bottled cocktails is creating something that has the perfect balanced between alcohol and citrus or sugar that’s added. Nitro infusions or molecular mixology brings science to the shaker to create new flavours, textures and surprising presentations that enhance the overall drinking experience. This trend gives back to the community, eliminates carbon footprints and provides the freshest ingredients for customers. The purpose is to change the cocktail’s character and flavour, ultimately mellowing the mix in the same way wines and distilled spirits are aged. This trend goes beyond just vermouth with integration of house made bitters and syrups into cocktail programs. Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework: IPO (Input, Process and Output Input Process Output Aur Statement of the Problem: 1. What is demographic profile in terms of : 1. 1. Gender 1. 2. Age 1. 3. Year Level 2. How does respondent asses bar mixology practices in terms of: 2. 1. Flaring 2. 2. Mixing 2. 3. Bartending 3. How does respondent asses in bar mixology of flaring in terms of: 3. 1. Tricks/Exhibitions 3. 2. Entertainment 3. 3. Promoting 3. 4. Skills 4. How does respondents appraise bar mixology the stability of equipment and tools: 4. 1. Menu 4. 2. Bar Equipments 4. 3. Facilities 5. How does respondents appraise the accommodations in terms of: 5. 1. Security 5. 2. Servers Approach 5. 3. Space Area 5. 4. Ambiance 5. 5. Lights/Sound Equipments 6. How does respondents attain the quality items in: 6. 1. Foods/Dishes 6. 2. Liquors 6. 3. Non-Alcoholic Drinks/Cocktails 7. How does respondent appraise the different activities in terms of : 7. 1. Beer Pong 7. 2. Party Nights 7. 3. Live Bands Objective of the Study To be able to appraise bar mixology practices in terms of flaring , mixing and bartending. To be able to asses to bar mixology flaring in terms of tricks/exhibitions, entertainment , promoting and skills. To be able to appraise bar mixology the stability of equipments and tools menu, bar equipments and facilities. To be able to appraise the accommodations in terms of security, servers approach , space area , ambiance , light/sounds equipments. To be able to attain the quality of items in foods/dishes, liquors and non-alcoholic drinks/cocktails. To be able to appraise the different activities in terms of beer pongs, party nights and live bands. Significance of the Study Students, This study will provide reference or guide in creating their program. It will also help students taking HRM course to identify the best strategies on how to develop product and services of every establishment. Faculty, This study proposed study will assist faculty to have a deeper understanding about Bar Mixologies. Future Researchers. This study will benefit the future researcher as supplementary data to guide a research. Scope and Limitation of the Study Subject: This study is all about the product development in bar mixologies whereas, focusing on developing different areas in Resto-Bar. Setting: the survey was conducted in selected Resto-Bar in Quezon City. Respondents: The respondents of our survey consist from Arellano University students of Hotel Restaurants Management and Computer science students. Most of the guests in resto-bar are male better than female. Within average of 17 to 25 years old. Instrumentation: The researcher used survey questionnaire to get the data. the method is commonly used method of gathering information because it is less costly way to reach more people, including people at some distance. Depending upon the method of distribution, it can be swiftly done and data analysis can begin right away. The questionnaire keeps away from interviewer bias, guiding and cues that can impact the legitimacy and reliability of the data collection. Large amounts of information can be collected from a large number of people in a short period of time and in a relatively cost effective way Timeframe: The research study started from November 2013 to February 2014, Which Includes creating a survey questionnaire which includes validation, distribution, interpretation and evaluation of survey questionnaire, library research about the topic, collecting data and information, compilation of the study and revision of the study. Definition of Terms Bar- the refers to is a retail business establishment that serves alcoholic drinks  beer, wine, liquor, and cocktails  for consumption on the premises. This refers to the findings/ conclusion and analysis of (Jamorndo. 2011) Bartender: -this refers to is completely focused on the guests. To make great drinks for the guests possibly utilizing the recipes ingredients prepared by the Mixologist. This refers to the findings/ conclusion and analysis of (Ditan. 2011) Beer bar- this refers to focuses on beer, particularly craft beer, rather than on wine or liquor. A brew pub has an on-site brewery and serves craft beers. This refers to the findings/ conclusion and analysis of (Rojo. 2009) Cocktail –this refers to is a kind of alcoholic mixed drink that contains two or more ingredients. As generally understood today, a cocktail requires at least one alcoholic component. This refers to the findings/ conclusion and analysis of (Trinidad. 2009) Cocktail lounge- this refers to is an upscale bar that is typically located within a hotel, restaurant, or airport. This refers to the findings/ conclusion and analysis of (Mellema. 2008) Fern bar- this refers to is an American slang term for an upscale or preppy (or yuppie) bar. This refers to the findings/ conclusion and analysis of (Souza. 2012) Flair bartending –this refers to is the practice of bartenders entertaining guests, clientele or audiences with the manipulation of bar tools (e. g. cocktail shakers) and liquor bottles in tricky, dazzling ways. This refers to the findings/ conclusion and analysis of (James 2010) Full Bar –this refers to serves liquor, cocktails, wine, and beer. This refers to the findings/ conclusion and analysis of (Katsigris. 2009) Mixology- this refers to is another term for mixing drinks or bartending and a Mixologist is another term for a bartender or bar chef. This refers to the findings/ conclusion and analysis of (Aloni. 2010) Mixologist: -this refers to designs cocktails that are seasonal and / or aligned with the style of the establishment †¢ Prepares any house-made syrup, tinctures, bitters, or other ingredients that a bartender will need for service. This refers to the findings/ conclusion and analysis of (Phillipou. 2008) Restaurant –this refers to is a business establishment which prepares and serves food and drink to customers in return for money, either paid before the meal, after the meal, or with a running tab. Meals are generally served and eaten on premises, but many restaurants also offer take-out and food delivery services. This refers to the findings/ conclusion and analysis of ( Bosh. 2008) Wine Bar- this refers to is an elegant bar that focuses on wine rather than on beer or liquor. Patrons of these bars may taste wines before deciding to buy them. Some wine bars also serve small plates of food or other snacks. This refers to the findings/ conclusion and analysis of (Nash. 2009) Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature Foreign Literature The first step in evaluating the flavor in food is to determine the dominant flavors present. As previously noted, there is a range of flavor types that includes flavors such as fruity, nutty, smoky, cheesy, buttery, herbal, meaty, umami, and earthy. While this may seem straightforward, the perception of the flavor is impacted by the interrelationships of salt, sugar, acids, and texture as well as by the in-mouth flavor identification process. flavor intensity and flavor persistency while flavors in food or wine may not be the most important element driving pairing decisions; they are generally the most interesting. It is important to note that flavors in wine come from different sources than flavors in food, and so wine flavor words such as fruity, spicy, or herbal are generally metaphoric in nature. As noted in chapter 9 in regard to spiciness, do not assume that wine and food make a good match just because they can be described with the same adjectives. In most cases, It is easier to match the food with wine based on contrasting flavors. There are plenty of reasons why people who visit a bar choose not to drink alcohol but still want to enjoy the atmosphere with friends who do. For the non-drinking guest the typical alternative to a cocktail used to be a bar-gun-dispensed soft drink. Not anymore! Thanks to the ever-expanding ranks of bottled water, tea, juice, energy drinks, alcohol-free beers, and other nonalcoholic beverages, there are incredible options for making sophisticated and flavorful mock tails, as they are often called. Alcohol-free drinks offer a serious opportunity for incremental sales. Mixology is the study and practice of mixing liquids and other ingredients to create cocktails. Although standardized recipes are available, each bar can showcase its innovation and creativity through artistic presentation of the drinks and the bartender’s showmanship in preparing the drink. Mise en place in the bar means preparing all the needed equipment, ingredients, materials and supplies prior to opening the bar customers. Alcoholic cocktails require at least one liquor . Generally, the more types of alcoholic beverages required, the lesser amount per type is needed. When a recipe calls for one part of a certain ingredients, this means one measurement of your jigger, two parts means double your jigger, etc. NOTE: Be sure you jigger is clean and in good condition . A speed pourer is used for this method. You need to practice using this gadget in order to be confident in using it and be consistent/ accurate in measuring. Among the three measuring method, this Is considered very professional. Refer to Opening Equipment/Bar Tools. This method does not require any measuring equipment when making drinks in a glass. The two-finger method is fast and at least roughly accurate. It also looks more professional than the jigger method. This system uses an automatic machine to pour the exact amount of alcoholic beverage into a glass/container. This eliminates accidental over pours and even dishonest bartenders who deliberately over pour for family members, friends, or regular customers to increase their tips. Order taking and serving drink a premium or top shelf drinks is an order made from the most expensive liquor of the bar while a call drink is an order which made from a specific base liquor but not the most expensive. For wine orders, a house wine refers to the restaurants / bars cheapest/ordinary brand of red or white wine. An up drink means the guest wants the order chilled and strained into a Martini glass. An up drink means the guest wants the order chilled and strained into a Martini glass. A drink with a twist means the bartender is requested to rub the rim of the glass with a lemon/lime twist, twist it over the glass to extract the oil and drop it over the drink. Floating a drink means the bartender adds liquor on top of a drink. Free pouring allows the bartender to use a speed pourer, not a jigger or measuring device. Neat drink is an order served without ice served in a shot glass or an old-fashioned glass – Washington 2012 THE STRUCTURES OF WINE PRODUCTION Nature of wine shapes how it is viewed – but so does the organization which makes it. This chapter considers the different kinds of wine producer around the world, their organizational structure and how the varying background of each moulds their perspective on what they make. It first examines the smallholder and farmer, then co-operatives and negociants. These are predominantly based in europe, and tend to have quite a long history as organizational structures. Consideration then moves to family companies. Following that large producers throughout the world and, in the new producing countries, the role of the boutique producer, will be examined; both of these tend to be the most modern business types used in the wine industry. This is important given that the family operation making bulk wine primarily for their, own consumption is dying out. The second and dependent question is to examine how each of these categories views their wine. Contextually, however, it is useful to remember the difference between management and ownership. Staffs who work in the organization may have a different perspective from those to whom it belongs. The Champagne house, Krug is a good example of this. The company is part of the luxury goods conglomerate Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton (LVMH) The house of Krug is still run by the family who founded it – reporting to LVMH management. They may, however, have family traditions and a sense of family reputation to uphold, which could conflict with the company’s goals. The family member who is the senior winemaker may have aims which are different still – distinct from both the shareholders aim for profit and the family’s stewardship of their heritage. (It must be stressed that this is only an example, and there is no suggestion of conflict between the Krug family and their parent company. )–James 2011 FOOD AND BEVERAGE: MANAGEMENT AND COST CONTROL The four basic stages are: Preparation control or production planning or volume forecasting, standard yield, Standard recipe, and Standard portion size . The essential information required to eliminate over production includes An accurate forecast of the number of portions of each menu item which will be served. The number of raw pounds of merchandise required to produce, the number of raw pounds of merchandise required to produce the number of forecasted portions. They are Planning Sales Analysts, Popularity Ratio, Portion Sales History, and Cycle Menu. Chavez. 2009 Foreign Studies Selecting development projects that will lead to success Often the number of potential research, development and design projects is greater than it is possible to carry out. The limited resources and skills compel the managers to select projects from those proposed. A comprehensive description of different selection methods is presented. Martino, 2009 RD processes contributing to new product success From the perspective of RD management, in practice, seeking new product success might be challenging, seeing that prospects of success likely vary from phase to phase in the RD process. In this study, the model presented in Figure 1 Literature analysis Innovation has been object of numerous studies in literature, notwithstanding, there is not a general definition of the term â€Å"innovation†, thus generating greater ambiguity. However, innovation may be defined as the successful introduction of something new and useful, for example new methods, techniques, or practices or new or altered products and services. Donaldo. 2010 Responsive and timely NPD has become even more critical in the today’s highly competitive global environment. The need to respond quickly to these dynamic forces requires every company to integrate rapidly the perspectives and needs of product developers as well as of the customer. As for the food industry, such context has seen significant advances in the packaging sector, with the development of active and intelligent innovations. These advances have led to improved food quality and safety. Donaldo. 2011 Economic analysis Recouping the investments in NPD is crucial for ensuring company’s competitiveness and generating future revenue from the new products. For this reason, we have conducted an economic analysis of the NPD process of Easy snap, following the main phases of the process, as described in the section above. Martin, 2010. SAGARMATHA RESTAURANT Summary The aim of the research was to show how satisfied the customers in Restaurant Sagarmatha are, and if the Restaurant provides quality service or not. The research was carried on as a questionnaire survey enhanced by a structured interview and observation performed by the author. The data collection methods and the implementation plan remained the same from the very beginning to the end of the process. The Collection of data was fluent and fairly easy to collect during the work placement of the author and good connections with the respondent. The majority of the respondents in the customer satisfaction questionnaire survey were female. The structured interview was taken with 3 customers in Restaurant Sagarmatha. Mainly the customers between the ages 26 and 30 were more than others. The author has distributed the respondents as African, Asian, European and American. Among these, most of the respondents were European and African. Most respondents had noticed the Nepalese Restaurants by hearing from friends, relatives, website and family. By hearing from friends and from the website the respondents were encouraged to visit in Restaurant Sagarmatha. The majority of the respondents visited Restaurant Sagarmatha daily. Daily visiting customers are more than customers visiting once a week. Total of 100 percent of the respondents intend to visit Restaurant-Bar Sagarmatha. Ghimire. 2009 Local Literature BAR SET UP AND SERVICE The basic Preparations for Bar Set-Up, first check the cleanliness and condition of the following: Bar counter Bar storage area Bar stools. Also Check the bar station Check available stocks against the par stock list Make a requisition to replenish stocks Re-stock the bar station, insure that stocks are clean and properly arranged. Most countries, including the Philippines, require a license before a bar or restaurant can sell alcoholic drink. Likewise, many do not allow alcoholic beverages to be served to minors below 18 years of age. There are wines though those are permitted for minors. There are also permitted hours for selling alcohol. Basic rules in serving beverages and alcoholic drinks There are basic fundamentals in basic mixing rules; use only ingredients of highest quality, always remember a drink is no better than its poorest ingredients. Also include that plenty of ice first requisite of good mixing, you also need to measure all ingredients to avoid minus-added. When it come in mixing, drinks on shaken with ice for dillusion, also chill all glasses for chilled drinks, do not put glass in freezers. The best way to put in mixing drinks is Simple Syrup always use the right glass for every drink, mixing can be done in a right glass use jug or cocktail shakers clear mixtures should be stirred. Prepare fruit juice before use add sparkling liquids last so they retain lite beer should become cold, never served beer with ice. Lastly always have all necessary ingredients and all bar supplies ready. Dela Vega. 2010 Biotechnology Product Development, Bio-safety Regulation and Environmental Risk Assessment in the Philippines The application of modern biotechnology is recognized as the potential answer to the growing problems of food security (i. e. , the ability to provide adequate and affordable food), poverty and environmental degradation, particularly in developing countries. The challenge for these countries is how to benefit from the application of these technologies considering their lack of necessary bio-safety regulation and intellectual property management capacity. The aim of this study was to find out if the Philippine biosafety regulation system is effective, if it protects intellectual property rights (IPR) and if it has the capacity to respond to the potential increased pace in biotechnology product development. The results of the study show that: (a) the current Philippine Biosafety Guidelines are consistent with the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (2000); (b) efforts are being made to enhance human resource and infrastructure capacity for research and development, and bio-safety regulation; (c) due to resource limitations, research and development efforts focus on testing the applicability of technologies developed in other countries to local conditions. These studies are less costly but can contribute significantly to the knowledge and science on biosafety; (d) Bt corn1, the first genetically modified crop approved for commercial release in the Philippines, underwent several stages of risk assessment before it was approved for commercial release; and (e) the intellectual property rights related to biotechnology are protected under the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (1997). It can be concluded that in the Philippines, bio-safety regulation and intellectual property management systems have been effective in regulating the use of biotechnology materials and in providing IRP protection. The Philippine Bio-safety Regulation System can adequately cope with bio-safety regulation requirements at the current level of agricultural biotechnology research and development in the country. Penalba. 2012 Full-Service Restaurants in the Philippines EXECUTIVE SUMMARY After reporting a flat performance in 2011, full-service restaurants rebounded in 2012 as the upbeat economy encouraged more chained players to open up more outlets in promising locations. There has also been an improvement in value sales per outlet as Filipinos are willing to spend more per transaction. Operators’ launches of group meals have also been well-received by value-conscious diners. In 2012, full-service restaurants value sales grew by 3% and reached Ps100. 3 billion. COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE Full service restaurants in the Philippines is dominated by independent players, which accounted for an 84% value share of total sales in 2012. Among chained players, local player Max’s Inc contributed the largest portion of sales at 2%. With its tagline ‘The house that fried chicken built’, the Max’s brand has developed a patron base that is loyal to its home-cooked fried chicken. Pancake House Inc, the biggest casual full-service restaurants dining operator in the country, follows Max’s Inc with a value share of 2%. Philippine Pizza Inc, the operator of Pizza Hut restaurants, occupies the third spot with 2%. PROSPECTS Full-service restaurants will see a challenging forecast period with dismal growth prospects. This category will witness the closure of more outlets especially among provincial independent players. The entry of more chained fast food restaurants in provincial areas could potentially lead to the closure of more independent outlets. It should be noted that provincial consumers gravitate to newly open popular chained fast food brands, and dining out in these outlets is a good treat for their children. Over the next five years, the constant value CAGR is set to be marginal, with total revenue inching up to Ps100. 9 billion in 2017. Della Cruz. 2009 Local Studies New Product Development Stages For new product development market research, the question becomes one of matching the stage of new product development with the right creative or product market research method. We use the Marketing Intelligence Platform to guide the use of the three forms of Intelligence Ideas, Data, Drivers to the product development process. We provide consulting and specific new product research market research capabilities at each new product development stage. Using Market Research In Product Development Market research can be used at all stages in the product life cycle, as illustrated in Figure 1 and explained in the following sections on applications for market research. Castillo. 2009 Relevance Review of Related The relevance of the RRL to the study is it will serve as a guide to the research study which compose of different kinds of related studies came from the books and internet. RRL really help us to make this research study to be more accurate and precise. Chapter III Research Methodology Research Method Used Descriptive Method In this study use students which defines as research of statistics. It is logical and primarily focuses on numeric data. However, it is not analytical because it does not look at why certain trends within statistics occur. The description is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations. Often the best approach, prior to writing descriptive research, is to conduct a survey investigation. Qualitative research often has the aim of description and researchers may follow-up with examinations of why the observations exist and what the implications of the findings are. Kennedy. 2012 Sampling Procedures The group use a random sampling which defines as In a simple random sample (SRS) of a given size, all such subsets of the frame are given an equal probability. Furthermore, any given pair of elements has the same chance of selection as any other such pair (and similarly for triples, and so on). This minimises bias and simplifies analysis of results. In particular, the variance between individual results within the sample is a good indicator of variance in the overall population, which makes it relatively easy to estimate the accuracy of results. Johansson. 2011 Respondents Table 1 Gender Gender Frequency Percentage Male 36 72% Female 14 28% Table 1 shows that majority of respondents comprises of males which is 72% while the least of respondents comprises female which is 28%. Table 2 Age Age category Frequency Percentage 15 – 20 31 62% 21 – 25 15 30% 26 – 30 4 8% Table 2 show that majority Age of respondents consist of 15 – 20 years old which is 62% while the least of respondents 26 – 30 years old fall into 8%. Table 3 Year Level Year Category Frequency Percentage 1st 4 8% 2nd 6 12% 3rd 11 22% 4th 29 58% Table 3 shows that majority Year Level of respondent compose of 4th years students which is 58% while the least of respondents number compose of 1st year students which is 8%. Data Gathering Procedure 1. Formulating of Survey Questionnaire 2. Validation of Survey Questionnaire 3. Distribution of Survey Questionnaire 4. Retrieval of Survey Questionnaire 5. Interpretation of Survey Questionnaire 6. Evaluation Statistical Treatment data Percentage Formula Study it below carefully before looking at the examples We will take examples to illustrate. Let us start with the formula on the left an important thing to remember: Cross multiply It means to multiply the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of the other fraction. Weighted Mean Formula Where, x? = weighted mean. xi = x1,x2,x3 = Items given. And fi = f1, f2, f3 = Frequencies corresponding to the given items. Chapter IV Findings Table 4 Gender Gender Frequency Percentage Male 36 72% Female 14 28% Table 4 shows that majority of respondents comprises of males which is 72% while the least of respondents comprises female which is 28%. Table 4 Age Age category Frequency Percentage 15 – 20 31 62% 21 – 25 15 30% 26 – 30 4 8% Table 4 show that majority Age of respondents consist of 15 – 20 years old which is 62% while the least of respondents 26 – 30 years old fall into 8%. Table 5 Year Level Year Category Frequency Percentage 1st 4 8% 2nd 6 12% 3rd 11 22% 4th 29 58% Table 5 shows that majority Year Level of respondent compose of 4th years students which is 58% while the least of respondents number compose of 1st year students which is 8%. Analysis Table 6 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Adjective Rating Flaring 1. 4 1. 52 .9 0. 08 0 3. 9 Very Satisfied Mixing 1. 5 2. 16 .42 0 0. 02 4. 1 Very Satisfied Bartending 2. 1 1. 12 0. 9 0 0 4. 2 Very Satisfied Table 6 shows that respondents give a very satisfied of rating on flaring, mixing and bartending. Table 7 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Adjective Rating Tricks/Exhibitions 1. 8 1. 6 .54 .12 0 4. 06 Very Satisfied Entertainment 1. 5 1. 92 .42 .16 0 4 Very Satisfied Promotions 1 1. 92 .84 .08 0 3. 84 Very Satisfied Skills 1. 5 1. 84 0. 6 0. 04 0. 02 4. 6 Highly Satisfied Table 7 shows that Tricks/Exhibitions, Entertainment and Promotions give a Very Satisfactory rating by respondents in terms of Bar Mixology Flaring assessment. While in Skills give a Highly Satisfactory rating. Table 8 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Adjective Rating Menu 1. 5 2. 4 0. 3 0 0 4. 2 Very Satisfied Bar Equipments .8 2. 72 .48 0 0 4 Very Satisfied Facilities 1. 2 1. 92 .78 0. 04 0 3. 94 Very Satisfied Table 8 shows that Menu, Bar Equipments and Facilities give a very satisfactory rating by respondents in terms of Bar Mixology’s stability of equipments and tools. Table 9 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Adjective Rating Security 1. 3 2. 16 0. 54 0 .02 4. 2 Very Satisfied Servers Approach 1. 4 2. 16 0. 54 0 0 4. 1 Very Satisfied Space Area 1. 1 2 0. 84 0 0 3. 94 Very Satisfied Ambiance 1. 5 1. 52 0. 96 0 0 3. 98 Very Satisfied Lights/Sounds Equipments 2 1. 2 0. 78 0. 08 0 Very Satisfied(4. 06) Very Satisfied Table 9 shows that Security, Servers Approach, Space Area, Ambiance and Light/Sounds Equipments give a Very Satisfactory rating by respondents in terms of Appraise of Accommodations. Table 10 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Adjective Rating Foods/Dishes 1. 9 1. 92 .42 0 0 4. 24 Very Satisfied Liquors 1. 2 2. 24 .54 0. 04 0 4. 02 Very Satisfied Non-Alcoholic Drinks/Cocktails 1. 7 1. 68 0. 72 0 0 4. 1 Very Satisfied Table 10 shows that Food/Dishes, Liquors and Non-Alcoholic Drinks/Cocktails give a Very Satisfactory rating by respondents in terms of attaining quality of items. Table 11 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Adjective Rating Beer Pong 1. 7 2. 24 0. 24 0. 04 0 4. 22 Very Satisfied Party Nights 1. 3 2. 08 0. 54 0. 08 0. 02 4. 02 Very Satisfied Live Bands 1. 9 1. 92 0. 42 0 0 4. 24 Very Satisfied Table 11 shows that Beer Pong, Party Nights and Live Bands give a Very Satisfactory rating by respondents in terms of appraise in different types of activities in Resto-Bar. Conclusion Shows that respondents give a very satisfied of rating on flaring, mixing and bartending. Shows those Tricks/Exhibitions, Entertainment a
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